Saturday, February 6, 2010

Oh I forgot one

10. I am thankful for my husband being on holidays from tomorrow for a whole week!!!!!

It was been 2 years. I think we deserve it.

Forever Love
Dani xx

What a week!!!!

Will this last week was more than eventful for the 5 of us.

On Saturday night I had a small stomach ache and really thought nothing of it and went to bed. By 3am Sunday morning I couldn't move. So we called my brother and he came and watched the kids and Nick took me to the hospital. Almost straight away they told me it was my appendix. After a long day of waiting and fasting (I love my husband for not eating in front of me) my appendix was taken out at 2pm. They kept me in till Monday afternoon and then i was good to go home.
I would not recommend having your appendix removed. It is incredibly painful and I am only really getting around comfortably today. Nick was awesome through all of it. I always worry about him and the kids when I am out of action, which doesn't happen very often but when it does it is always pretty substantial. He did a great job with everything. He looked after me and 3 kids and kept the house clean. What more could a wife ask for?
On so many occassions, when I was in hospital, he said that I was the rock of the family and he struggles when I am sick but I really think that without him we would fall apart. We have created such a strong unit that without one of us life is tough. He says he can't life without me, that feeling is definitely returned.

On the same sort of issue, Nick is exploring new job options and wanting to do something a little different to what he has been doing. He is thinking of Mine work. The place he is looking at is about 4-5 hours south of us and it would be a 1 week on 1 week off shift. Now I am doing the supportive wife bit and saying that I am happy as long as he is but I am scared out of my brain at the whole idea of him being gone for a whole week. Sometimes I struggle to get the end of the day. How will I be when it is a whole week? I am sure I will get through it but in the mean time I am searching for jobs closer to home.

Also this week, Tiana started Year 2, Kaylia went back to daycare 2 days a week and Luc started his first day. My heart falls out when I think of how fast they are all growing and all the moments I wont ever have again. It feels like a blur when I look back at nearly 7 years of being a mum. It's a little overwhelming. I love this job more than anything in the world. What other job can you do and it hugs you back and says 'I love you'. Even though it is a little sad to think of how fast they are growing I am loving watching them and am hanging out for all the new stuff they do. They are the greatest thing I have ever done and ever will do.

Finally, I am jumping on the Thankful bandwagon. Todays list will be long cos I have lots to be thankful for.
1. My husband, who is beyond awesome, who I love so much and who would do anything for me.
2. My three children, for being beautiful everyday, for challenging me, for loving me.
3. My parents, just for being around when I need them, whenever that is.
4. My big brother, for getting out of bed at 3am to look after my kids. That is amazing!!!
5. My sister, for loving me across the sea so much that I can still feel it.
6. My friends that are there when you need them no matter what it is.
7. My beautiful house.
8. My kitchen full of food.
9. My ability to be free in my faith and be blessed every day.

Forever Love
Dani xx

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Beginning of a better Year.

Well this is my new blog. People use them for all sorts or reasons. Mine is a spill area. Life is crazy for me. I have a great husband. We have been married for 4 years in April. He is a Head Chef and cooks the most amazing food. I have 3 wonderful kids. My big princess is nearly 7, my little princess is 2 and a half and my little man is 1. Life is already crazy enough and then add in a part time teaching degree, church, social activities, family, friends, ADHD dog Bailey and Fluffly the rabbit who tries to escape his cage every night at about 9.30. That's me.

The overflow from that life you see up there will land here. I need it to escape. Last year was pretty rough and the 5 of us and this year is going to be better. I have many plans but I am not calling any of them resolutions. Becoming a better Me is the main priority. Whatever that includes then so be it. What i know for sure is that the 5 of us will all benefit from whatever changes I make. So welcome. Come along on the Journey of 5. It'll be fun !!!


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